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A Cal Fan’s Guide to the 2024 Paris Olympics

Berkeley boasts a record-breaking 58 athletes and coaches attending the games, including stars in swimming, track and field, and more.
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Fiat Lux

Stories from University Development and Alumni Relations highlighting the positive impact of donor support on our students, faculty, research, and facilities.

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Splitsville: Californians Have Tried—and Failed—200 Times to Divide the State

The seething Northern Californians had decided enough was enough—it was time to quit the state for good. Rancor bubbled through the counties of Siskiyou, Shasta, Del Norte, and Modoc in 1941. Chief among residents’ grievances: Their roads were like washboards in the summer and mud baths in the winter. They felt overtaxed—steamrollered by Southern California […]

Yes, It’s Rocket Science: Berkeley Scientists Launch Exploration Into the Northern Lights

Beyond the scintillating lights of the auroras borealis and australis is a complicated atomic phenomenon that Berkeley scientists are exploring by launching a rocket into the northern lights. In order to better understand the sun’s interaction with the Earth’s magnetosphere, researchers at the Southwest Research Institute teamed up with John Bonnell, a Berkeley assistant research […]

All That Glitters: Uncovering Sardis, Ancient City of Gold

Many famous names from the ancient world are mythical figures who probably never lived, like Hercules or Odysseus. Not Croesus (pronounced KREE-sus), King of Lydia, a fabulously wealthy region of Anatolia (now part of western Turkey), who ruled from 561 to 547 BCE. He was the richest man in the world and his wealth was […]

Angels, Protesters and Patriots: What a Long-Ago Skirmish Says About Love of Country

Lately, I’ve been thinking about an incident that happened in 1965, seven years before I was born. It centered on an antiwar protest in Berkeley, one of the first of countless such protests to come. Though just a blip in the grand scheme of Vietnam era turmoil, it seems to point to something important about […]

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California magazine's Laura Smith and Leah Worthington host The Edge, a podcast for surviving today's modern world.

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Ken Goldberg Isn’t Scared of Artificial Intelligence

Robots can do a great many things, but they can’t make art. That view, common even among AI boosters, has taken a hit.

What’s on Your Berkeley-Inspired Playlist?

While music may not be the first thing most people think of when they think of Berkeley, both the campus and town have been home to an enormously influential and eclectic music scene across the years, one with deep roots in the folk and blues revivals of the mid-20th century. 

Unabomber Cabin, Sacramento, CA, 1998

The Man Who Shot the Unabomber’s Cabin

The hideout was evidence, a symbol, and in Richard Barnes’s photos, art.

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